Farewell Message from Engineers Australia Tasmania 2018 President Phil Gee Friday, 14 December 2018

At the beginning of 2018 we set out to create a vibrant and connected engineering community in Tasmania and I believe we have largely achieved this through the efforts of our members, Division committee and groups, staff and many other volunteers in our community. My term as President for Tasmania finishes at the end of 2018 and I thank the team for their tremendous contributions over the past year.

I would like to farewell Dr. Vicki Gardiner CompIEAust EngExec who has been our Division General Manager for the past five years and who has recently taken up a new position in Canberra – much of the Division’s success can be attributed to Vicki’s leadership and hard work.

We welcome our Acting Division General Manager, Dr. David Pointing FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus), who is already working closely with the Division Committee.  David has been part of the Engineers Australia community as a member for more than 20 years, including roles with the Young Engineers group and Division Committee. David has been working for Engineers Australia since 2011, leading the national strategy for supporting students and the tertiary sector from the office in Hobart. Having worked closely with Vicki Gardiner during this time, David has a good understand of our local operations and goals. I know that David would welcome any member to connect with him directly by email, phone on 0403 448 488, or LinkedIn.

The incoming President for 2019 will be David Finnigan FIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) who works for consulting firm Pitt & Sherry and manages their Launceston office – I wish him all the best in the role.

On a final note, I would like to emphasise the importance of our members becoming Chartered.  Chartered engineers have been rigorously and independently assessed as having the right qualifications, experience, continued professional development and code of ethics to act independently as professional engineers.  Chartered engineers are important as they underpin the quality of the engineering profession and its contribution to society and we ask members to support the qualification by both becoming chartered and encouraging other engineers to do the same.

Kind regards,

Phil Gee FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)

Phil Gee